Clinton Maxwell Osthimer
Wabash Police Department
Tuesday, January 19, 1943

Age: 33
Served: 4 years
Badge #: 7
Panel 29E, Line 18
Panel L13, Line 1

Incident Details

Cause of Death:
Date/Time of Incident:
Tuesday, January 19, 1943
02:15 am
Incident to Death Duration:
Same day
Incident Location:
Wabash Street south of Hill Street, Wabash
Incident County:
Incident Township:
Weapon Used:
.38-caliber handgun
Suspect Disposition:
Discharged in 1979
Burial Place:
Falls Memorial Gardens, Wabash

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   Officer Clinton Osthimer was shot and killed after making a traffic stop.

   The subject had been stopped for speeding and drunken driving after a short pursuit. He was arrested and placed in the back seat of the squad car with Officer Osthimer.

   En route to the jail, the man produced a revolver and shot Officer Osthimer in the throat severing his jugular vein. When he attempted to shoot the other officer his gun jammed.

   As the other officer knocked the gun from the suspect's hand, the squad car crashed onto the courthouse lawn. The man fled on foot but was recaptured a few blocks away.

   Officer Osthimer was being taken to Wabash County Hospital when he died en route.

   The officers were unaware the 28-year-old ex-convict was driving a stolen vehicle, wanted for larceny and absent without leave from the military. He was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

   In May 1968, he escaped from the Summit Prison Farm in La Porte but was found living under an assumed name 10 years later when he was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia.

   After Indiana Governor Otis R. Bowen withdrew extradition in May 1979, the offender died of natural causes a free man six weeks later in Decatur, Georgia.

   Officer Osthimer was survived by his wife, 8-year-old son, parents, two brothers and sister.

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Officer Osthimer
Officer Clinton Maxwell Osthimer - Wabash Police Department -