Albert Woodard McCorkle
Shelby County Sheriff's Department
Sunday, October 10, 1880

Age: 32
Served: 9 years, 11 months
Badge #:
Panel 10W, Line 11
Panel L30, Line 1

Incident Details

Cause of Death:
Date/Time of Incident:
Saturday, October 9, 1880
03:45 pm
Incident to Death Duration:
1 day
Incident Location:
Broadway Street near Harrison Street, Shelbyville
Incident County:
Incident Township:
Weapon Used:
Suspect Disposition:
Discharged in 1885
Burial Place:
Forest Hill Cemetery, Shelbyville
(unmarked grave)

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   Sheriff Albert McCorkle died the day after suffering a gunshot wound while removing two subjects from Hardebeck's Saloon.

   He had escorted the intoxicated brothers, who had been involved in a large brawl with other patrons, from the saloon and ordered them to go home.

   Once outside, words were exchanged as they walked away when one brother drew a pistol and fired. Sheriff McCorkle was shot in the chest and died the following morning.

   The 17-year-old suspect fled the scene and was able to elude capture despite a $1,000 reward until he surrendered in October 1883. He was later convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to two years in prison and discharged in 1885.

   Sheriff McCorkle, a Democrat from Shelbyville, was in the second year of his second, two-year term in office as the 17th sheriff of Shelby County. He was survived by his wife and 2-year-old daughter.

Historical Notes

• Sheriff McCorkle held the second-longest term in office, at three years and 338 days, of the 21 sheriffs with line of duty deaths in Indiana.
• He is also the second-youngest of the 21 sheriffs with line of duty deaths in Indiana.

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Shelby County Sheriff's Department

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Sheriff McCorkle
Sheriff Albert Woodard McCorkle - Shelby County Sheriff's Department -