Game Warden
William John Peare
Indiana Department of Conservation
Tuesday, April 27, 1926

Age: 61
Served: 3 years
Badge #:
Panel 26W, Line 21
Panel L14, Line 2

Incident Details

Cause of Death:
Date/Time of Incident:
Tuesday, April 27, 1926
08:15 am
Incident to Death Duration:
Same day
Incident Location:
Wabash River at Tecumseh
Incident County:
Incident Township:
Weapon Used:
Suspect Disposition:
Burial Place:
Rockville Cemetery, Rockville

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   Game Warden William Peare and Game Warden William Nattkemper drowned in the Wabash River at Tecumseh, north of Terre Haute, after their boat took on water and capsized on a very windy day.

   Both wardens, along with three other wardens, had investigated the sound of gunshots and were returning upstream to destroy illegal fishing nets when their boat capsized. The other three wardens were able to swim to safety.

   The body of Game Warden Nattkemper was found on May 1 about a mile downstream. The body of Game Warden Peare was found on May 5 about two miles downstream near the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway bridge.

   Game Warden Peare, from Rockville, was survived by his wife, brother and sister.

Historical Note

• This incident was one of 24 which resulted in the line of duty deaths of two officers.

The responsibilities of the Indiana Department of Conservation (1919–1965) are now under the jurisdiction of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

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Indiana Department of Conservation

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Game Warden Peare
Game Warden William John Peare - Indiana Department of Conservation -